Friday, February 15, 2013

TopCoder SRM 570: CentaurCompany and CentaurCompanyDiv2

Another 570 editorial update: This time for the division 2 hard and division 1 medium.

My verdict is that the division 1 medium's editorial really blows. It is a bit of a fruitless problem to explain. For starters, dynamic programming problems tend to have this issue that it is difficult to avoid reaching that state in which you explain what the solution does instead of how to find it. Then we have that the problem is 20% an obscure formula and 80% obscure dp optimizations. I really didn't have a lot of room to maneuver.

Also, since tomorrow and Sunday I will be traveling against my will, I really want to finish this editorial quick. Nobody wants to wait 48 extra hours, and I am tired of editorials taking so long. Like I mentioned in the previous post, I had the complete intention to release this editorial 24 hours ago. It just could not happen because of the Centaur Company :(.